Welcome to our new website, your destination for everything Next Chapter. A brand new website experience for all our regeneration and investment projects.
Our new website
Earlier this year we ran a survey, which focused on Next Chapter communications. Your responses have helped us to shape our approach to engagement and communications for all our Next Chapter projects.
Over 90% of you agreed that a Next Chapter website was a good tool for communication but only 14% of you had actually used the existing website. With the hints and tips that we gathered from the survey, we've created a new site that focuses on what's important to you, which includes project news, project details, and information about where we're investing. We've also made it easier for you to find what you're looking for, simplifying the pages and layout.
Our new website has been developed to showcase our projects and our brand, which focuses on economic growth in Calderdale through regeneration and sustainability.
The new site is a hub of up to date and exciting news for you to explore.
Getting digitally savvy
The new website boasts a clean design and intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation to help you find your way around with ease. It is also fully responsive with mobile devices, making it easy to navigate on a wide range of web browsers and devices.
What happens next?
Going forward, we will continue to communicate regularly through our news articles and project pages. We will continue to develop and improve the website to provide you with all of the information you need.
We’re really proud of the new website and we hope you are too!