Key details
We’re improving an area around the A641 in Calderdale.
The project supports local businesses, fairer, healthier communities, and less pollution.
We’re planning improvements for walking, wheeling, cycling and public transport.
Current status
Our aim is to better connect communities between Bailiff Bridge, Brighouse, and Woodhouse.
This will make sustainable travel easier and more attractive, and Calderdale a better place to live, work, learn and visit.
The project is funded by the UK Government through West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s West Yorkshire-plus Transport Fund (WY+TF), with some initial funding for early designs from their Transforming Cities Fund (TCF).
Proposals are subject to WYCA approval.
We will prioritise walking, wheeling, cycling (active travel), and public transport. This will help reduce the impact of transport on the environment, reduce inequality, and promote improvements in public health.
An improved and safer transport system will provide better access to jobs, education, services, and neighbouring communities. This will also support local businesses and promote inclusive growth. We want to remove the barriers to movement caused by busy roads and provide better connections between communities.
Our proposals are based on feedback and cover the area from Bailiff Bridge through Brighouse to Woodhouse.
Proposals across the whole project include:
- New cycleways;
- New walking and cycling routes away from roads;
- New and improved crossings;
- Bus priority measures;
- Safer junctions;
- New bridge over the canal in Brighouse;
- New public spaces;
- New and improved traffic lights; and
- New walking and cycling signage.
Brighouse north and Bailiff Bridge
Pickle Bridge greenway
We are creating a dedicated off-road walking, wheeling and cycling route between Lower Wyke Lane and Wellholme Park. The safe travel route will improve access to green spaces.

Bailiff Bridge junction
At Bailiff Bridge junction we are adding new pedestrian crossings, improving the existing junction, and widening thefootway near the shops. These measures will improve safety and the experience for people walking.
Brighouse town centre
The improvements at Brighouse town centre complement other planned projects in the area, including the Brighouse Town Deal project and the Environment Agency’s Flood Alleviation Scheme in Wellholme Park.
A643 new bridge over canal
We are building a new bridge on the A643 over the canal. There will be cycle lanes and a more direct route through Brighouse. The new bridge will reduce traffic on the existing A643 Briggate Bridge and provide a safe route for cyclists.

A643 Briggate Bridge
We will widen footpaths and extend the public space at Thornton Square. These measures will improve safety and the experience for people walking.
We will improve traffic light timings to reduce congestion. Buses will have priority routes to improve service reliability and journey times. New cycle lanes will connect the north and south of the town. New pedestrian crossings along the route will make it easier and safer to access the town centre.
Bradford Road walking and cycling upgrades
We will add design features to indicate cycle priority and a new cycle crossing across Ludenscheid Link to improve the north-south connection.
Brighouse south
Brighouse Station to Woodhouse
We will create a quiet route for walking, wheeling, and cycling between the Woodhouse development and Brighouse Rail Station. We’ll place speed humps along Stratton Road to reduce vehicle speeds and add signage for walkers, wheelers and cyclists.
Brighouse Station to M62
We will improve crossings, footways and shared-use paths between Brighouse Station and the M62. We’ll create a safe cycle route between the Woodhouse development and Brighouse town centre.

30 September 2024
We’re carrying out surveys along the old Pickle Bridge Railway to help develop the designs for the Pickle Bridge Greenway.
Work will begin on Tuesday 1 October 2024 for around 8 weeks. During this time the highlighted area on the map below will be closed to the public.

29 July 2024
We have reduced the scope of this project (subject to WYCA approval). Calderdale Council will deliver the aspects of the proposals within Calderdale only.
Bradford Council and Kirklees Council remain committed to delivering aspects of the proposals within their boundaries.
Following the consultation that ran from November 2022 to January 2023 we have made changes to the proposals. The changes include:
- We have removed the proposal for a segregated cycle lane along Bradford Road between Bailiff Bridge and Bonegate junction.
- We have removed the proposal for a cycle lane on Armytage Road and Huntingdon Road.
- Proposals for the area next to Brighouse Station have been revised.
We will be contacting those who are affected by these changes in the coming weeks.
Read: Step forward for A641 improvements.
18 April 2024
We will be surveying pavements in and around Brighouse and the A641 from 22 April 2024 for around 6 weeks.
We will take 90 pavement core samples and open up 5 trial holes. What we learn from the surveys will help us to develop designs for the A641 Improvement Scheme. Some pavements will be closed, and we will set up temporary signals. We will do some of the work at night and on weekends to reduce disruption.
20 March 2024
We're starting ground survey works in Brighouse from 25 March 2024.
The survey work will help us to complete designs for the A641 improvement scheme and Brighouse Town Deal projects.
We will close the towpath between Brighouse Market and Ganny Foot Bridge so we can do the surveys. A short diversion will be in place. The footway at the front of the market on Briggate will also be closed.
Some parking spaces in Owler Ings and Daisy Street car parks will not be available during the survey works.
5 February 2024
Members will consider proposals for significant investment to enable new sustainable growth opportunities in and around Brighouse, which will support the delivery of the Local Plan for Calderdale.
Read: Supporting a thriving future in south east Calderdale.
November 2023
From November 2022 to January 2023 the public were invited to examine proposals to provide better connections, better access and better places for communities and all users of the A641.
The A641 Consultation Summary Report is now available to view on the A641 Improvement Scheme page on Your Voice.
24 July 2023
We are sharing proposals for the part of the scheme around Lower Wyke Lane and Wyke Old Lane near Brighouse.
We’re hosting two drop-in sessions for people that want to speak to a member of the project team about the proposals in this area on:
- Wednesday 26th July 2023, 3pm to 6.30pm, or
- Wednesday 2nd August 2023, 3pm to 6.30pm,
at Lower Wyke Moravian Church, Lower Wyke Lane, Lower Wyke, Bradford, BD12 9AH
You can view the proposals or get in touch with the project team if you have any questions or comments.
29 November 2022
We want to know what you think of our proposals. The latest plans and designs are available on Your Voice: A641 Improvement Scheme. The consultation is open until 8 January 2023.
We will use what you tell us to help us to produce more detailed designs.
July 2022
The Outline Business Case (OBC), was approved by West Yorkshire Combined Authority and work will now go into developing the Final Business Case (FBC).
June 2022
We will be following up the ground radar survey work with additional investigation work to collect core samples at eight sites in central Brighouse. This work will help us better understand the make up of the material below the surface.
May 2022
Ground radar surveys were undertaken in and around Brighouse during May to investigate what services are underground and the condition of the ground. This information will help up further develop the plans.
We have answered some of the questions people ask us about ground investigation for the A641 Bradford - Brighouse - Huddersfield project. Find out more: A641 Bradford - Brighouse - Huddersfield ground investigation FAQ.
November 2021
We have used the feedback from the public consultation, which ended on 15 August 2021, to update the designs. We are now working on the next stage: the preparation of the Outline Business Case for the project.
June 2021
Concept designs for a short-list of options are in preparation. We plan to share and consult on them in summer 2021. We will use feedback to shape the preferred final scheme for the A641 and Brighouse TCF, and to ensure our plans continue to reflect the needs of stakeholders.
An Outline Business Case is being developed which will present a preferred scheme and preliminary designs for both the A641 project and Brighouse TCF.
April 2021
Galliford Try have been appointed to support the development of the scheme using a best-practice approach called Early Contract Involvement (ECI). This aim of this approach is to ensure a best value-for-money scheme is developed, to reduce or mitigate construction risks, and identify opportunities at an early stage.
August 2020
Sweco have been appointed as consultants to work closely with us during the development of the Outline Business Case (OBC). The OBC will include preliminary designs detailing a preferred scheme, which will be shaped by feedback from the Common Place engagement (February 2021), public consultation (summer 2021) and partnership working with stakeholders.
June 2020
The Strategic Outline Business Case was approved by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority. The A641 scheme will now progress through development of an Outline Business Case.
Approximate scheme value: £65M.
This project was made possible through funding from: