Elland Rail Station

Key details

A new rail station for Elland.

Think you know Elland? Think again.

Current status

Concept Completed
Development In Progress
Construction Pending
Evaluation Pending


The new rail station will be delivered by West Yorkshire Combined Authority

The rail station project will be complemented by the Elland Access Package. This linked project will improve walking and cycling routes and access to the new station.

The station viewed from above with car park clearly visible. A train pulls into one of the two platforms.

The station is designed to serve Elland and to improve the town's transport connectivity with the wider region, providing an additional station to both the existing Wigan to Leeds and Bradford to Huddersfield routes.

Map shows the location of Elland Rail Station relative two train lines connecting Leeds, Halifax, Dewsbury, Huddersfield, Todmorden and more.



Proposals include (subject to funding):

  • Elevated platforms on the embankment, 
  • lift, ramp and stepped access from the car park level,
  • 116 space car park, 
  • cycle storage, and
  • EV charging points.

The new station will be built next to the A629 and close to Lowfields Business Park.

The proposed station in will have parking, landscaping, ramped access and lifts.


Map shows location of the proposed station, on the rail line, close to the A629, River Calder, and the Calder and Hebble Navigation.


Map shows the location of the car park between the proposed rail station and the Calderdale Way slip road/Lowfields Way.



Economic growth

The new station will improve access to jobs, education and opportunities. Elland will be more attractive to new businesses and the new links will support existing local businesses. The improved transport network will support future housing growth for Elland and western parts of Brighouse.


The new station and access package will have a positive effect on journeys between the station, Elland town centre and surrounding areas.

Journey times

Shorter journey times and better connectivity between Elland, destinations in the wider region, and beyond.


The new, accessible station will support more people to make sustainable travel choices. Parking at Elland Rail Station would allow for commuter and leisure trips on the train, relieving congestion on the A629.



9 September 2024

Progress to deliver a new rail station in Elland has taken a major step forward after the West Yorkshire Combined Authority appointed a contractor for the final stage of development work.

January 2024

Update on the progress of the Elland Rail Station project from a spokesperson for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority:

“We remain committed to the Elland Railway Station project and work is progressing on the ground to deliver these improvements.

“As we confirmed last November, the completion date for this scheme has been pushed back until late 2026 because of a variety of factors, including design changes and supply chain challenges.

“This project will improve accessibility and make it easier for people to travel around the region by boosting connectivity across Calderdale and beyond.”

West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Transport Committee recently approved a change request to release additional funding to support further design and delivery elements and extend the completion date to 2026.

April 2023

The project team from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority submitted a planning application for Elland Rail Station. The project received planning approval from Calderdale Council in March 2023.

A spokesperson for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority said:

“Once built, the new Elland Railway Station is going to transform Elland town centre – bringing huge benefits to local residents, businesses and the wider community – so it is fantastic that planning has been approved.

“We want to create a fairer, stronger and better-connected North and projects like this are key to achieving those ambitions.”

The next stage will be the procurement of a contractor as the station moves towards construction starting in 2024, and targeting an opening date in late 2025.

February 2023

The project team from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority are continuing to develop plans and preparing to submit our final business case (FBC). They are planning to submit the FBC for approval in winter 2023/2024. This is later than originally planned. It took longer to get planning approval from statutory consultees than anticipated.

Once the FBC is approved they will begin delivery of the project. They are planning to open the Station and complete the access package elements by late 2025.


So far:

  • They have resolved all objections to the Rail Station planning application,
  • The outline designs for the Rail Station have been approved through Network Rail’s Governance for Railways Investment Projects (GRIP) process,
  • They have started to compile tender documents, ready for contractor procurement, and
  • They are continuing to develop the constructability of the projects.

Next steps

They will be working towards:

  • Successful determination of the planning application,
  • Opening procurement for a main contractor to design and deliver the Rail Station,
  • Opening procurement for contractors to design and deliver the Access Package,
  • Completing the final designs with our contractor ready for FBC submission, and
  • Completion of the FBC to include design and pricing, ready for submission by West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Calderdale Council in Winter 2023/2024.

October 2021

The project team from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority have refined the designs in line with rail industry requirements and in response to stakeholder and public feedback. They are working in partnership with organisations such as Network Rail and train operators to progress a Full Business Case (FBC) through the next stage of approvals by Autumn 2022.


They have:

  • Submitted planning application for the Rail Station
  • Received planning approval for the access package
  • Submission of the chosen option to Network Rail as part of the Governance for Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) for approval
  • Completed engagement with local user groups to inform the design of the station, specifically with passenger safety and accessibility in mind
  • Achieved acceptance from the rail industry, including Network Rail, that Elland rail station can be accommodated within the rail network

Key changes

They have made the following changes to the proposals since the summer 2020 consultation:

  • Ramped access is now provided to each platform, in addition to the lift and stair access already proposed, in response to new national safety standards.
  • Redesigned design with canopy areas added to both platforms, replacing the single waiting shelters shown in earlier designs, providing better protection to passengers
  • Improved connectivity between north and south platforms – access between platforms is now better integrated into the station design at car park level, having previously been via Lowfields Way.
  • A revised car park design, due in part due to the inclusion of ramps. The car park includes 12 blue badge spaces and provision for 15 EV-charge spaces.


May 2021

The project team from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority have developed the Outline Business Case (OBC) for the project, which was submitted to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority in October 2018 and approved in March 2019. 

The OBC was shaped by the feedback received throughout the summer 2018 stakeholder and public engagement. This feedback was collated by the Combined Authority and is available in the Engagement Report available to download on this page. 

Work to develop Elland rail station continues with significant progress made over the past 12 months to build upon the designs presented to the public in summer 2020. Since the engagement, designs have been developed in line with rail industry requirements and in response to stakeholder and public feedback. Key project milestones have been achieved, including the submission of a planning application to Calderdale Council, as well as submission of all the necessary documents to progress the scheme through this phase of Network Rail’s approvals process.  The project team from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority are working in partnership with these organisations and train operators to progress the Full Business Case through the next stage of approvals.


Approximate scheme value: £20.65M.

This project was made possible through funding from:

  • West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Tracy Brabin Mayor of West Yorkshire
  • Northern Powerhouse
  • Funded by UK Government