Halifax Future High Streets

Key details

The Government’s Future High Streets Fund aims to renew and reshape town centres in a way that drives growth, improves experience, and ensures future sustainability.

The plan for Halifax town centre includes connected proposals designed to improve access for visitors, create more welcoming spaces, and make sure Halifax remains a great place for people to connect with each other. 

Funding for this project was secured from the Future High Streets Fund in May 2021.

Current status

Concept (Completed)
Development (Completed)
Construction (In Progress)
Evaluation (Pending)


Our strategy for this project focusses on the idea of ‘Connecting Halifax’: making physical changes to better connect different parts of the town and creating the conditions for people in the local community to connect with each other. It builds on other Halifax town centre projects to create opportunities for interaction for all ages with enhanced public facilities, new public spaces, and places for play. 

We will enable business partners and third sector groups to access to Future High Street Funds to link with this plan to improve Halifax for residents and visitors. This project works with Halifax’s existing retail and cultural assets to diversify the town centre offer and bring more people within walking distance of town centre attractions.

The Halifax Future High Streets project includes a number of connected components:

Borough Market

We will refurbish and modernise the stunning Victorian market. We are carrying out works to allow areas of the market to be used as an events space outside market trading hours. This includes enhancing the pop-up units in Albany Arcade, refurbishing the market toilet facilities, and adding extra security features.

We will replace the main market roof, update the lighting throughout the market, remove some overhead storage units, repaint the market, and enhance the central area around the clock.

We will also be celebrating the building, highlighting the history of the place and attracting visitors to see the Victorian market hall.

You can find more information about this project through the Halifax Borough Market project page

Victoria Theatre

We are making a visit to the iconic theatre an even more attractive choice. We’ll be improving accessibility, making it easier to get into the theatre, and creating a new food and beverage offer. This will facilitate greater  daytime use, opening the theatre to different customers who perhaps have not visited before.

You can find more information about this project through the Victoria Theatre project page.


Old Cock Yard and Cheapside will be the focus of alleyway improvements. We are planning to make these two historically significant medieval alleyways more attractive places to visit. We will be rejuvenating the public realm with art installations, addressing safety concerns, and providing seating for visitors.

These interventions will encourage users to travel between connected areas, supporting businesses in the top and bottom of the town centre.

Proposal for changes to Cheapside with feature lighting

George Square

We're making George Square and George Street more welcoming, safer and greener spaces for all to enjoy. We're creating a new public square destination where people can meet, socialise, and relax.

Find out more about the plans through the George Square project page.

Art and About Trail

We’re creating a trail that will showcase new art installations along with existing points of interest in Halifax town centre.

Find out more through the Art and About Trail project page

Northgate House commercial units

We are supporting the refurbishment of Northgate House, making former Council offices into a destination for retail, leisure, and work in Halifax.

Westgate phase 2 and Palatine Chambers

We are supporting a local developer to bring derelict land and buildings back into use and provide high quality spaces for local business. This work will create high quality public realm that complements phase 1 of Westgate and provides visual links with Borough Market and the Piece Hall.

The Future High Streets Fund will cover the cost of the external elements of this development such as access ramps, improved pavements and lighting to ensure safety.

We are supporting a housing charity to invest in upgrading low quality former social housing units to attract longer term tenants into the town centre.

3D visualisation of the Westgate proposal



Realising the potential

This project aims to upgrade and reinvent a number of Halifax’s already quite startling assets.

Diversifying the town

This project aims to support variety and flexibility for future developments in the town centre.

Piece-ing it all together

The plans aim to connect assets already in the town with new spaces, linking key destinations, and encourage people to move around on foot.



30 August 2022

Halifax Borough Market works kickstart high street transformation.

Improvement works have begun at Halifax Borough Market this week, marking the start of the first major project funded by the Future High Streets Fund in Halifax.

Revitalising the stunning Victorian market hall is a key part of the £11.7 million Future High Streets work planned across Halifax town centre.

August 2022

Re-roofing starts at Halifax Borough Market this month. The milestone marks the start of the first major project funded by the Future High Street Fund in Halifax.

The contract for the work has been awarded to local company IAG Developments Ltd. The Queensbury based contractor is familiar with the market. They completed similar roofing works in the Albany Arcade section of the market, and the re-roofing and external works to the Market Street elevation.

The £2.3m contract will take around 18 months to complete. The work starts 22 August 2022 and will be undertaken in 5 phases to minimise disruption.

We’ve ensured that erection of scaffolding at the market is planned to take place outside of normal trading hours to minimise disruption. Surplus fittings will be removed prior to the start of trading each morning and lighting will be provided to make up for the light blocked out by scaffolding.

The works will address a number of issues highlighted by tenants:

Work itemBenefits
Re-roofing slated sections and insulation

Thermal improvements

Fix leaks

Replace glazing with thin section clear double-glazing

Thermal improvements

Fix leaks

More natural light

Improved aesthetics

Cleaning and lining, or replacement of guttersFix leaks
Blocking up some roof vents and new automatic vents

Thermal improvements

Fix leaks

Better ventilation control

Installation of destratification fans to move warm air down to shop floor level

Thermal improvements

More stable environmental conditions

Cleaning of high-level structure

Improved aesthetics

Cleaner environment


Improved aesthetics 

Clear identity

Removal of redundant services

Improved aesthetics

Cleaner environment

January 2022

We have appointed a consultancy to complete the work. They have visited locations around Halifax to understand the key elements of the Future High Streets project.

The consultants are currently reviewing the works programme. Their role at this stage is to make sure we can deliver a high quality build that will complement other developments in the town centre.

May 2021

Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government confirm funding for this project, and the Elland Future High Streets Fund project.

Read the announcement: More high streets set for funding boost as reopening accelerates


Approximate scheme value: £11.76M.