Proposals for Skircoat


In 2022, Calderdale Council asked for your feedback on how Skircoat could be improved to make moving around by walking, wheeling and cycling more pleasant, safe and convenient.

13 locations where improvements are proposed for Skircoat.

Calderdale Council has been awarded £2.4m of funding from Active Travel England and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to further develop and deliver proposals for positive changes and to help create streets that work for everyone.

Using feedback, we have identified 13 locations for improvements.

1Copley Bridge
2Copley Lane
3New Lane
4Birdcage Lane
5Skircoat Moor Road
6Free School Lane
7Savile Park Road
8Savile Park
9Skircoat Green Road
10Stafford Road
11Stafford Square
12Haugh Shaw Road
13Swires Road


We're listening...

We are now seeking further feedback to help us shape and refine the proposals. Please take some time to review the proposals and complete the Skircoat your street matters survey.

Project aims

  • Improve access to walking, wheeling and cycling and key destinations within Skircoat.
  • Create better places and environments where people want to spend time.
  • Make it safer to move around by walking, wheeling and cycling.

We are consulting on the proposals until Friday 15 November 2024.


Copley Bridge

We are considering:

  • Potential options to improve safety for people walking, wheeling and cycling on Copley Lane, improve local connectivity either side of the railway line and maintain bus connections in Copley.
  • Two potential options are shown:
  • [1] Signal controlled bridge crossing - vehicles will cross the bridge on a green light, while vehicles travelling in the opposite direction would be held on red. This option provides more space for an implied footway across the bridge.
Examples of implied footways marked on roads and places where traffic signals are used to manage traffic along narrow routes.
  • [2] Bus gate - This option allows buses, cyclists and pedestrians to use the bridge, but not motor vehicles, reducing traffic flows along Copley Lane. This could be operational 24/7 or during school times to benefit bus passengers and people walking, cycling and wheeling.
Examples of bus gates in operation. Buses can travel through while other traffic is restricted.

Copley Lane

We are proposing:

  • To widen and formalise the implied footway on Copley Lane – this could include a new surface and bollards.
  • If bollards are introduced, there would be gaps for vehicles to safely pull in and give way to other vehicles.

These proposals will help make Copley Lane safer for people walking who are travelling between Copley, Skircoat Green and Copley Primary School.

Copley Lane looking towards Spring Wood Avenue.
Copley Lane looking towards Spring Wood Avenue


Example of an implied footway with surface treatment and bollards between pedestrians and traffic.
Example of an implied footway with surface treatment and bollards between pedestrians and traffic.

(Source: PJA)

New Lane and Birdcage Lane

We are proposing:

  • To introduce collapsible bollards on New Lane (at the junction with Birdcage Lane and west of Acre Wood) to prevent vehicles from using New Lane as a through route between Dudwell Lane and Birdcage Lane.
  • New signage to advise of no through route (except for people cycling).
  • To introduce a footway on Birdcage Lane between New Lane and Albert Promenade.

These proposals will make New Lane safer and more enjoyable for people walking and cycling along this narrow route which currently has little room for passing vehicles. The collapsible bollards will allow access to remain for emergency and service vehicles. 

These proposals will make Birdcage Lane safer and more accessible for people walking, helping connect to destinations such as Albert Promenade and Savile Park.

Proposed road closure on New Lane, with collapsible bollards and signage to show no through route


Birdcage Lane looking towards Albert Promenade.
Birdcage Lane looking towards Albert Promenade.

Skircoat Moor Road

We are proposing:

  • A new pedestrian and cycle parallel zebra crossing on Skircoat Moor Road.
  • To extend the footway surface across Albert Promenade to give more priority for people walking.
  • To extend the footway to connect to the relocated bus stop on the Savile Park side.

These proposals will improve safety for people walking and cycling to Savile Park and give priority to people walking over vehicles when crossing Albert Promenade. The new footway will also make the bus stop more accessible.

Proposals for Skircoat Moor Road include a parallel crossing for cyclists and pedestrians. Extended footway across Albert Promenade.

Free School Lane

We are proposing:

  • A new pedestrian and cycle parallel zebra crossing on Free School Lane.
  • A new path connecting Free School Lane to Savile Park and Moorfield Street.
  • To extend the footway surface across Moorfield Street to give more priority for people walking.
  • A widened footway at the Free School Lane / Moorfield Street bus stop.

These proposals will improve safety for people walking and cycling to Savile Park and give priority to people walking over vehicles when crossing Moorfield Street. The bus stop will also be more accessible.

Parallel crossing proposed for Free School Lane, extensions to footway across Moorfield Street and new a path connecting the proposed crossing to Savile Park.

Savile Park Road

We are proposing:

  • A new pedestrian and cycle parallel zebra crossing on Savile Park Road.
  • Widening of the path between Savile Park Road and Manor Heath Road.
  • Introduction of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

These proposals will improve safety for people walking and cycling to Savile Park. The implementation of SuDS will also improve the drainage of the area, while improving the public realm.

Proposed new pedestrian and cycle crossing on Savile Park Road, new sustainable drainage systems, and path widening.

Savile Park

We are proposing:

  • To improve existing paths through the park to connect to the proposed crossings on Free School Lane, Savile Park Road and Skircoat Moor Road.
  • Improvements will include widening the paths to at least 3m and resurfacing them with a non slip surface.

These proposals will help remove barriers to Savile Park such as narrow and uneven paths, making the park more accessible for everyone.

Path in Savile Park
Path in Savile Park.


Path in Savile Park
Path in Savile Park

Skircoat Green Road

We are proposing:

  • A new pedestrian and cycle parallel zebra crossing on Skircoat Green Road.
  • A new two-way cycle track to connect Manor Heath Park and South Royde Avenue.
  • To extend the footway surface across South Royde Avenue to give more priority for people walking.

These proposals will improve safety for people walking and cycling to Manor Heath Park, while maintaining the provision of on street parking. 

Proposals for a parallel crossing on Skircoat Green Road and a short section of two-way cycle track connecting to South Royde Avenue.

Stafford Road

We are proposing:

To make the temporary point closure between Stafford Road and Huddersfield Road permanent. 

This proposal will help make the closure more attractive, perhaps through introducing a playstreet.

A parklet to provide space on streets for people to stop, rest and enjoy.
A parklet to provide space on streets for people to stop, rest and enjoy.

(Source: PJA)


 Existing point closure on Stafford Road.
 Existing point closure on Stafford Road

Stafford Square

We are proposing:

  • A School Street on Stafford Square for Salterhebble Junior and Infant School to temporarily restrict vehicles at school drop-off and pick-up times.
  • To explore alternative parking/drop-off locations to stop vehicles parking illegally on Huddersfield Road.

These proposals will make the space outside of the school more pleasant and safer for people walking, cycling and wheeling. 

The school street will be marked out with signage at the entrance to Stafford Square.

A school street is a traffic restriction placed on a street that prevents motor vehicle access during school drop-off and pick-up. Pedestrians and cyclists are permitted to pass through, and exemptions can be made for residents to enable access as required.

The aim of a school street is to make the street outside the school safer at key times, by removing traffic and making the environment quieter.

This can be camera-enforced, or barriers can be used temporarily to ensure the restriction is respected.





Haugh Shaw Road

We are considering:

Options to reduce the amount of through traffic using Haugh Shaw Road, whilst maintaining local access.

We are keen to get your views on potential options.

Example of a one-way road.
Example of a one-way road


Trees and planting on residential streets.
Trees and planting on residential streets.


Example of a traffic calming measure on a residential street.
Example of a traffic calming measure on a residential street.


Example of a compact roundabout.
Example of a compact roundabout.


Example of traffic signals.
Example of traffic signals.

Swires Road

We are considering:

Options to reduce the number of vehicles using Swires Road to make the space outside of Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School and St Mary's Catholic Primary Academy more pleasant and safer for people walking, cycling and wheeling.

We are keen to get your views on potential options.

Example of a pedestrian and cycle zone.
Example of a pedestrian and cycle zone.


Example of a one way road with no entry signs.
Example of a one way road with no entry signs.


Example of planting.
Example of planting. 


Example of a "modal filter".
Example of a "modal filter".


A parklet provides space for people to stop, rest, and enjoy.
A parklet provides space for people to stop, rest, and enjoy.