Key details
The project saw Salterhebble Hill widened to four lanes, new traffic light technology installed and improved facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.
Current status
In Progress
The A629 Salterhebble to Shaw Hill project included:
- Widening Salterhebble Hill to four lanes.
- Building an innovative living wall.
- Remodelling the junctions at Dudwell lane and Dryclough lane.
- Improving access to the hospital at Dryclough lane.
- Upgrading each pelican crossing.
- Installing new traffic light technology, introducing improved co-ordination between the signal installations.
- Improving facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport, including a dedicated bus lane, end to end cycle lanes and a 2.5m wide cycle and pedestrian path.
- Economic growth: For businesses, it makes the region a viable place to invest and grow, and it gives Calderdale access to skilled workers.
- Journey times: Together with the A629 Calder and Hebble Junction project, journey times from Huddersfield to Halifax will reduce by up to 30%.
- Sustainability: Quicker bus journeys are making this mode more practical, encouraging more people to use the service. We’re promoting active travel with improved infrastructure, allowing for safer journeys.
- Safer journeys: The new cycle lane encourages less confident cyclists to use the cycle lane and pedestrians have safer journeys with the introduction of full highway crossings.
- Cleaner environment: By absorbing carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, the living wall is delivering biodiversity benefits for the area.
The project was completed at the end of November 2018.
Final milestones included the seeding of the innovative living wall, the reopening of Dryclough Lane, and the resurfacing of the 3km of highway from Salterhebble to Shaw Hill.
The first project paves the way for further improvements in the next major part of the scheme – the A629 Calder and Hebble Junction.
Check out the project infographic to find out what we achieved.
This project was made possible through funding from:
Supporting Documents
- FileA629 Infographics (PDF 2.41 MB)
- FileA629 Salterhebble To Shaw Hill Project Plan 1 (PDF 2.83 MB)
- FileA629 Salterhebble To Shaw Hill Project Plan 2.PDF (PDF 748.64 KB)